Join us at the EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week!

Welcome to follow our EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week session on accelerating innovation collaboration across the EU’s macro-regions!
The EU’s innovation collaboration agenda has grown substantially in recent years. Global events and crises have encouraged the EU to re-consider its strategic approach to global trading and value chains, not least in the context of uncertain and disruptive supply. Increasingly, the EU is seeking to shift dependence on critical supplies and to build greater resilience in generating and safeguarding supply – both within the EU and with a broad range of global allies.
Deepening EU supply chains requires strengthening of innovation ecosystems, both within and across EU territories. A new wave of EU instruments and support measures has been developed to respond to demand across EU territories for improved innovation collaboration. Impetus to deepen this type of engagement was set-out in the New European Innovation Agenda. Here, ‘deep tech innovation valleys’ and ‘regional innovation valleys’ were noted as new drivers of this direction.
For the EU’s macro-regions, this is a much-welcomed development. The macro-regions are already driven by strong, place-based innovation collaboration. They, too, wish to play a key role in delivering on the EU’s innovation collaboration goals, and to play a full part in the support measures available at EU level to realise these ambitions. To achieve this, funding sources and conditions that apply to the macro-regional context are critical. Indeed, the macro-regions are ideally positioned to pioneer the set-up of place-based innovation valleys.
Accelerating sustainable, strategic innovation collaboration across the EU’s macro-regions
Monday 24.4.2023 at 16:00 – 17:30 CET, Online
This session will explore the experience and ambition of key actors across the Baltic Sea and Alpine macro-regions (EUSBSR and EUSALP) to play a strong role in delivering the EU’s innovation goals. It will discuss how new EU tools to drive innovation collaboration align with the needs of the macro-regions, as well as the enablers and challenges that exist. The session will also put forward some ideas and recommendations to promote on-going strategic dialogue across the macro-regions, to both contribute to the ongoing design of EU instruments and to play a strategic and added-value role in delivering on EU innovation goals. Speakers at the session are Head of Enterprise, Innovation and Social Development Jonas Lundström, Region Västerbotten (EUSBSR), Development Manager Salla-Maria Lauttamäki, Regional Council of Southwest Finland (EUSBSR), Cristina De Capitani, Action Group 2 Economic Development (EUSALP) and Stefano Sala, Technical Secretariat (EUSALP). The session will be moderated by Director Alison Hunter, Economic and Public Policy Consultancy (EPPC).
The session is part of the EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week, and is organised by the Regional Council of Southwest Finland (representing also the Baltic Sea Region S3 Directors’ Network), the Baltic Institute of Finland / EUSBSR Policy Area Innovation and EUSALP Technical Support Structure.

More information:

Salla-Maria Lauttamäki
Development Manager