Move to contenct

The expertise in Southwest Finland creates products ranging from medicine to cruise ships and electric cars. The marine and car industry employs thousands of people. More employees are needed in the region all the time and we eagerly welcome international talents to study and work in the region.

The marine industry represents global top competence. Offshore, environmental technology and arctic know-how are rising to the level of shipbuilding.The research in bio- and life sciences is world class and Turku is rising to the top of Europe’s medicine development. Turku Science Park brings together expertise in business and higher education. ICT is important in Salo. The metal and welding automation industries in Liomaa represent global expertise.

Smart Specialisation as the base of future growth

Southwest Finland is a region of innovation. Our innovation ecosystems offer a globally competitive partner for growth through collaboration in research and development all the way to commercialisation. The Regional Council of Southwest Finland coordinates and promotes this cooperation based on EU-based smart specialisation strategies. The idea is to identify and build new growth paths in close dialogue between pubilc and private sector, research and academia. In Southwest Finland this means blue growth and industial modernisation, innovative food chains and life science and health technologies.